Benchmark your Black Week performance with Voyado’s daily performance insights
- Daily insights: Get exclusive data, updated every day, based on millions of transactions from Sweden, Norway, and Denmark.
- 11 retail sectors: Follow spending and discount trends across industries like Fashion, Electronics, Beauty, and more.
- Compare to last year: See how your revenue and discount rates stack up against Black Week 2023, with daily and week-to-date insights.
- Benchmark your results: Use our data to benchmark your performance and understand how consumers spend their money.

The sectors included in the Performace insigths are:
- Fashion—Brand
- Fashion—Premium brand
- Fashion—Reseller
- Jewelry & Accessories
- Sports & Outdoor
- Furniture
- Home decor & garden supplies
- Hobbies & DYI
- Beauty & cosmetics
- Pharmaceuticals & Health
- Electronics